
“He has settled in & is adapting easily to our life and routine. He enjoys his walks and LOVES drives in the car – he is obsessed with getting into the car!!! He loves watching everything going by and barking at everything and everyone as we drive around!
He’s migrated from the foot of the bed to centre stage, just like all good staffies- and he now shares my pillow and pushes Ryan over with his feet!!! I get up very early- before 5am, and he just opens one eye to watch me then takes over my side of the bed until a more appropriate dog hour to get up!
He spends mornings outside for an hour or so, then the day with his Grandpa, helping him with chores around the house, keeping Grandpa company and watching out for any barkable problems!
I get home just after lunch and we go for a short walk, learn to pay attention then do some basic training, once this is done he settles in for a snooze with me before his Dad gets home! Then dinner, a late walk and play on the slide (yes, slide – he loves going up the stairs and sliding down, over and over again), before settling down for the night. In between all this he gets to play with a billion toys, do his zoomies around the house and relentlessly chew his antlers!
I went to the Boxing Day sales and bought him SO MANY toys, destructible fluffy toys, kongs and Aussie Dog tug o war toys …. Plenty for a month or two – they’re taking up over half the wardrobe at the moment 🧐🤪.
He has his first assessment with a good trainer in about 8 days, this trainer is well recommended to me and has worked with numerous deaf dogs before. She is a trainer and assessor for therapy dogs, so I am confident she will be of benefit.
He had his first bath and massage last weekend, as well his new vet once over!!!
“Chase continues to settle well, he’s been introduced to family members and friends slowly and is responding well. He can cope with up to an hour of visitors now, without any difficulty.
He’s enjoying our routine and adapted really well to it, he is a terrific guard dog too.
We have introduced really tough staffy toys into his regime and he has taken a particular interest in the horse ball … lol … fav toy ever! And, being a horse toy it’s actually standing up to the severe punishment !!!!
We have decided to get him some stuff to protect his pink skin from the sun and heat, on his walks, he’s not a big fan of his new runners 🙄😆!
No need to reply, just wanted to let you amazing people know, he’s doing very well and all your hard work, does actually pay off”