“Dre has settled in so perfectly.
Fully toilet trained, walking beautifully on a lead, has learnt to heel, sits and drops on command. Needs a bit more training on recall.
Plays with other dogs really well, has been around a few kids and after 30 seconds of excitement engages with them very gently.
Has been spending his days on lots of walks, playing ball, carries his Teddy or stuffed elephant everywhere. Is unbelievably affectionate and must be touching me at all times. Found a new love for swimming! Off to the beach house next week so think he will love playing at the beach too!
Didn’t eat for the first 48 hours and had runny poos, but all that has gone now and eating really well.
He has a real love for comfort, couch and my bed are his favourite places haha.
He is just the best and could not be more loved!!”