Lachie (aka Chuck)
🐈 Adoption Tail Tuesday! 🐕
“Lachie (aka Chuck) became part of our family. He still has his very challenging moments each day but is getting better everyday. He is very lively and reactive to movement and sound and has tried to scale most pieces of furniture including flyscreen doors, cupboards, tables, curtains, blinds and even the flat screen TV.
Lachie LOVES being outside and trying to catch the local birds and even our pet canaries in their cage….we’ve had to rethink their placement and manage who is outside when. He has a secure space in the courtyard – well until he tries to scale the plastic wire gate…as much as possible we try to be outside with him. The most difficult period is at dusk when we want him inside and getting ready for bed…he becomes a bouncing hairball. But once the lights are out and he has had a bit of a look around, he settles …until just before dawn.
Lachie still tries to pounce on passing legs but his claws are felt less and less…his teeth ….well the force is not so much…a work in progress.
He is a very much ‘look at me but don’t touch me’ kind of cat except when someone is in the kitchen and he is the smoochiest.”