“Mango, who has since been named Fyn (pronounced “Finn”), has been an absolute joy to have in my life.
The first couple of nights were a bit rough for us, as we both kept waking up to check on each other. Yet, from the first night Fyn wanted to come sleep on my bed with me, which I have found to be so sweet.
We have enjoyed many play sessions in the morning and at night. He has gotten used to our morning and evening routines (food, toileting ect), and I’m surprised as to how quickly he has taken to everything.
Since bringing him home, I’ve also discovered that loves to have a nice cuddle after I get home from work, and he likes to sit on my lap and snuggle while I’m watching TV or writing music in my home studio. He’s a very cuddly boy and most times can be found sitting right next to my feet or behind me…he just loves to be close.
I’m currently trying to train him to use a scratch mat, but I’m not sure if he likes the cardboard texture, so I may have to change to another kind of mat….and he is intruiged by my housemates plants (thankfully he hasn’t tried to eat them).
Other than that, Fyn is such a beautiful boy, who is confident, cuddly and so sweet with his nightly kisses and head-bops.
I still can’t get over how small he is. He’s the perfect-sized kitty for me.
I’ve included some photos, so you can see how much He’s enjoying his new life.
Thank you again so much for all your help in adopting him. We are definitely bonded after 1 week together.”