Can you spare $5 a month?

Blue Cross is able to run solely due to the animal lovers in our community being generous enough to donate or leave money through bequest. Without this, the cost of running a shelter would so quickly outweigh any funds raised through adoption fees, and we would be forced to close our doors in no time.
Adoptions are so few and far between at the moment, which we can only assume is due to the ever-increasing cost of living and people simply being unable to afford the costs that come along with adopting a new family member.
Of course, we understand that not everyone is able to adopt, but if you’re able to make a small donation on a regular basis, you can rest assured that you’re still doing what you can to help the endless number of animals who are without homes.
It could be as easy as setting up a reoccurring bank transfer straight into our account! It may seem insignificant, but even if a small number of people were able to spare $5 a week, fortnight or month, every little bit would add up and allow us to continue going above and beyond for helpless cats and dogs.
Schedule your reoccurring bank transfer today using the details below!
Commonwealth Bank
A/C Name: Blue Cross Animals Society
BSB: 063-148
Account Number: 1003 – 3121

It may be hard to believe, but this tiny little girl somehow ended up wandering the streets as a stray.
With obvious health issues, we can only assume Maisie was sadly abandoned by an irresponsible owner who wouldn’t provide her with the care she needed.
Little Maisie is un-desexed, completely blind with atrophied eyes, has a grade 2 and grade 3 luxating patella on each hind leg, an inguinal hernia causing her to vomit after most meals, and a potential urine infection. On top of all that, she is now in season which means she will have to wait over a month before she can undergo her procedure.
Your donation made today will go directly to helping us cover the costs associated with Maisie’s blood and urine tests, bladder ultrasound, hernia repair surgery and desexing.
This is the best way that we can give sweet little Maisie a fighting chance at finding her forever home and living a long and healthy life there.
If you would like to donate physical goods, Maisie is currently only eating Nature’s Gift Kangaroo strips in gravy wet food, and would very much appreciate any generous donations.

Dolly is just one of the little dogs currently in our care that really needs your support.
This little lady has been diagnosed with a grade 3 (out of 4) Medial Luxating Patella. This means that her kneecap slips out of its normal position and is like that for the majority of the time. If left untreated, this in time leads to changes in the hips, long bones, and ultimately arthritis and pain, and also increases the risk of a cruciate injury occurring.
As an active young dog, this condition already effects the way Dolly is able to walk and run, and will only decrease her quality of life the longer it is left.
This is sadly a condition that we are only seeing more and more in small dogs, with 5 out of the last 7 little dogs that have come through Blue Cross in the last 3 months having been affected by it.
The only treatment for a luxating patella is unfortunately specialist surgery, which can cost anywhere from $4,000 and above.
As you can imagine, as a non-profit organization who receives no government funding, this sadly is not a cost that we are able to cover on our own. This is why we need your support through our Little Dog Fund to allow us to continue to provide this crucial medical care not only for Dolly, but for all little dogs suffering from Luxating Patellas in the future.