
1 year 5 months

Name: Fendi
Breed: Staffy X
Colour: Tan and White
Size: Large
Approx DOB: 27/07/2023
Gender: Male
Admitted: 01/07/2024
Microchip number: 956000016329266
Adopt Fee: $500
Source number: BR102415


Fantastic Fendi is hoping to find his forever family!
Fendi is still very much a puppy at 11 months of age. At the moment, he’s at a bit of a silly toddler stage where he’s still learning his manners and how to interact with friends without getting too excited. He’s already come such a long way with his training since coming to us and has shown what a smart and well-mannered boy he can be.
This young boy is super social and enjoys meeting lots of new people and doggos. He does however, struggle with his excitement levels, and can be a bit rude in his playstyle with other dogs. Because of this, we think it would be best that Fendi is a single dog while he learns how to interact appropriately.
Fendi will need a dog experienced, adult-only home for the time-being, and would be a fantastic match for someone who’s interested in a buddy that they can do training with. He will also need secure fencing in his new home.

Adoption enquiries for Fendi will be through application only, so if you are interested in giving him a home, please fill out the application form linked below and email it to us at enquiries@bluecrossanimals.org.au

ADOPTION-DOG-APPLICATION.pdf (bluecrossanimals.org.au)

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